Interconnected houses for small animals - PANAS COLOUR
PANAS COLOUR: interconnected houses for hamsters and mice!
Your pet’s house is an important space, so it is essential to take care of it. As the main living area for your hamster or mouse, Panas Colour houses make it possible to combine different spaces for your pet to rest, play, and feed. The upper part of the cage is easily removed with its clip system, which facilitates cleaning by allowing easy access to the litter in the glass tray. The houses have sufficient capacity and space suited to your pet’s needs and specific characteristics.
Interconnected houses for more space
Available in three colours and in three sizes, Panas Colour houses can be interconnected: ideal for keeping your pet entertained!
Thanks to the connection tubes and points available on each house, regardless of colour and size, you can offer your hamster or mouse a additional living space by connecting two houses of your choice.
Houses available in blue, pink or grey!
Endless possibilities for connecting the houses!
A range of adapted, eco-designed houses
Developed with veterinary support, the houses have been specially designed to meet the specific needs of hamsters and mice. The three different sizes will allow you to adapt the surface area of the cage to the size of your pet: an important step for your pet’s welfare and happiness.
The houses are fully equipped, with recycled plastic accessories (11% minimum for the smaller models) giving your pet lots of possibilities to play and climb, as well as feeding accessories. The litter tray placed in the lower part of the cage allows your pet to burrow easily: one of their favourite pastimes!
Good news! The Panas Colour range has been awarded the “1% For Animals” label! 1% of sales will be donated to the YouCare Association.
Refer to the instructions below to assemble
your Panas Colour house!
How do the cages interconnect?