The “Jump down!” command
“Jump down”: This command is both easy to learn and very useful in your day-to-day life with your dog. You will be able to ask your dog to get down from wherever he is, on command. This exercise is intended for healthy dogs only, with no back or joint problems.
Use one word only, and always the same word, to give your dog a command. Say your dog’s name before giving the command. For example: Jack, jump down! Your dog will therefore soon make a connection between the sound and the action to be performed.
Keep the sessions short, no longer than ten minutes, and pleasant for your dog. If you think your dog is becoming tired or losing concentration, do not insist or get cross, but simply change activity and start again later.
Reward your dog with a treat at the exact moment he performs the desired action. As your dog learns the trick, you can give him verbal praise instead of the treat! For example: “That’s right!” or “Good dog!”

Jump down!
- Place your dog on a small wall, for example.
- Holding a treat in your hand, move your hand towards his nose so he can sniff the treat, then place your hand on the floor.
- When your dog jumps, say “Jump down!” and reward him.
- Repeat the exercise as often as required, then give your dog a pat or verbal praise instead of the treat.
- Once your dog has learnt this command, make it more fun by practising in different places: on a chair, stairs, car boot, etc.
Dog trainer: Karina Laproye. Specialising in dog casting, coaching and training, the DogActing® firm provides film, television, advertising, photography and events professionals with its specialty dog services. For more information, visit www.dogacting.fr